


Palau was not directly involved in the process to develop a Political Declaration on the use of explosive weapons in populated areas. It was, however, among the first group of states to endorse the Political Declaration in Dublin in November 2022. At the signing ceremony, Palau expressed support for the declaration and the protection of civilians from the devastating impacts of warfare, particularly children and humanitarian infrastructure that are critical to civilians. Palau spoke about the effects of war that go far beyond the war itself, saying that the country still suffers from a high rate of illnesses such as throat and mouth cancer associated with soil and water contamination from World War II legacies, and the high presence of unexploded ordinance and contaminants from explosive weapons. It expressed its commitment to support the declaration at the national and global level, and said it is continuously seeking resources to build national capacity to implement the declaration.1

Statements and positions

Palau endorsed the Ireland-led joint statement during the 74th United Nations General Assembly First Committee in 2019.2 The statement encouraged states to participate in international efforts to address the impacts of the use of EWIPA on civilians, including by working towards the creation of an international Political Declaration on this issue.3

  1. Irish Department of Foreign Affairs. ‘Watch back. Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas – Dublin Conference – Afternoon Session’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmkCPwSq5M4.

  2. ‘Seventy-one States call for Action on Impact of Explosive Weapons in Joint Statement to UN General Assembly’. International Network on Explosive Weapons. October 2019. https://www.inew.org/seventy-one-states-call-for-action-on-impact-of-explosive-weapons-in-joint-statement-to-un-general-assembly/.

  3. ‘UNGA74 First Committee Joint Statement on Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas’. Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations. 24 October 2019. https://article36.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/UNGA74-joint-statement-on-explosive-weapons-in-populated-areas.pdf.

Other State Positions