

The Explosive Weapons Monitor Quarterly Series - Fragments - is a collection of articles that address topics related to the use of explosive weapons in populated areas and contribute research to or report on developments and news relevant to this issue area. It aims to reach a combination of specialised audiences familiar with the issue of explosive weapons in populated areas, including those affected by explosive weapons use, as well as the community of practice working to address the impacts of explosive weapons through the Political Declaration on Strengthening the Protection of Civilians from the Humanitarian Consequences arising from the use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas



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When explosive weapons are used in cities, towns and other populated areas, civilians suffer disproportionally. The Explosive Weapons Monitor hopes that Fragments will inspire further discussions about ways in which the international community can mitigate this risk to civilians, take steps to prevent the harm to civilians caused by the use of explosive weapons, and to provide necessary and lifesaving assistance to victims and survivors.

If you are interested in engaging with us on these issues, please consider contributing articles, suggestions for additional research or any input you may have on topics covered in this and future issues. To do so, please contact Camilla Molyneux, Researcher, at camilla@article36.org.