


Luxembourg was actively involved in the process to develop a Political Declaration on the use of explosive weapons in populated areas, and was among the first group of states to endorse the Political Declaration in Dublin in November 2022.

Luxembourg made a written submission to the March 2021 consultation suggesting revisions to the draft Political Declaration including: the inclusion of “education” along with healthcare as essential services; the replacement of the term “urban warfare” with “armed conflict in populated areas” in Sections 1 and 4,; the replacement of the word “restricting” to “minimising” the use of explosive weapons on section 3; and that meetings to review the implementation of the Declaration should be organised regularly on a voluntary and informal basis with civil society organisations, instead of “on a regular basis” as suggested in the original draft.1 During the fourth consultation in April 2022, Luxembourg praised the commitment to collect and share information. It also reiterated that the Declaration is not an end in itself, but a step aimed at protecting civilians better in armed conflicts under all circumstances.2 Luxembourg reiterated this at the signing ceremony in Dublin in November 2022, when it also commended the work of the UN, ICRC and civil society in the process of the Political Declaration.3

Luxembourg attended the first international follow-up conference on the Political Declaration in Oslo, Norway in April 2024.  

Statements and positions

Luxembourg has frequently spoken on explosive weapons in populated areas in multilateral forums. In 2013, at the UN Security Council open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, Luxembourg condemned the use of explosive weapons in densely populated areas4 and in 2016, it highlighted the impact of those weapons on schools and hospitals.5 At the January 2022 UN Security Council open debate on war in cities, Luxembourg welcomed the development of the political Declaration and said it would support a Declaration in which states commit to refraining from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.6

Alongside its individual statements, Luxembourg has repeatedly aligned with other states to deliver statements on explosive weapons in populated areas. As a member of the European Union (EU), Luxembourg has signed onto numerous joint statements condemning the use of explosive weapons in populated areas and the harms it causes to civilians and civilian objects, as well as calling for greater IHL compliance. This includes at several UN Security Council open debates on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict7 and at the General Debate of UN General Assembly First Committee8, as well as at the 2022 UN Security Council open debate on War in Cities where the EU expressed concern over the indiscriminate use of explosive weapons in populated areas, including near hospitals, schools, and universities.9 The EU, with Luxembourg signing on, has also repeatedly welcomed the Political Declaration on explosive weapons in populated areas – at the 2022 Dublin Conference, the 2022 and 2023 UN General Assembly First Committee (where it highlighted the work ahead for implementing the Declaration’s commitments), and at the 2023 UN Security Council open debate on the Protection of Civilians. At the 2024 open debate, the EU expressed that given the significant impact of the explosive weapons in populated areas its use should be restricted or avoided. 10 

Luxembourg also aligned with the World Humanitarian Summit Core Commitments to ‘Uphold the Norms that Safeguard Humanity’ as an EU member state in May 2016. This included the commitment “to promote and enhance the protection of civilians and civilian objects, especially in the conduct of hostilities, for instance by working to prevent civilian harm resulting from the use of wide-area explosive weapons in populated areas, and by sparing civilian infrastructure from military use in the conduct of military operations.” 11 Luxembourg also aligned with the Commitment 123002 at the World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016, reinforcing the commitment to data collection on the impacts of explosive weapons in populated areas, to exchange of best practices, and to explore effective measures to ensure respect for international humanitarian law (IHL), including a Political Declaration on the issue.12

As a member of the Group of Friends on Protection of Civilians, Luxembourg has supported statements at the UN Security Council open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, stressing the importance of respecting IHL and the need to enhance the protection of civilians.13 In 2024, the Group highlighted the harm caused by explosive weapons in populated areas across ongoing conflicts, and stressed that “the effective protection of civilians and civilian objects must be made a strategic priority in the planning and conduct of military operations.” To that end, the Political Declaration was identified as providing “practical tools that ensure that protection is real and effective.”14 Luxembourg also endorsed the Ireland-led joint statement during the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly’s First Committee in 2019.15 The statement encouraged states to participate in international efforts to address the impacts of the use of explosive weapons in populated areas on civilians, including by working towards the creation of an international Political Declaration on this issue.16

Implementation of the Political Declaration

In February 2024, INEW and EWM conducted a state survey into endorser states' national efforts to disseminate and implement the Political Declaration. In the survey, Luxembourg reported that it had disseminated the Political Declaration. It stated that its Ministry for Foreign Affairs had coordinated extensively with the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Development Cooperation, prior to and following the endorsement of the Political Declaration. In addition, Luxembourg shared that it regularly engages with non-governmental organisations on explosive weapons in populated areas to “explore in more depth both the opportunities and challenges related to the Political Declaration." In addition, Luxembourg reported that it has nominated a point person responsible for the implementation of the Declaration at the Security Policy Desk of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Directorate of Political Affairs.17 

Luxembourg stated that it has not conducted briefings, workshops or trainings on the content of the Political Declaration and plans for domestic implementation.18 

Luxembourg stated that it has reviewed existing laws, policies, codes, approaches, practices or similar relevant to the protection of civilians, to identify areas where further policy development is necessary to meet the commitments under the Political Declaration. Elaborating on this, Luxembourg shared that following its endorsement of the Declaration, it has further developed its disarmament and proliferation policies. Luxembourg noted that its “military air capabilities are limited to transportation and other roles in the field of enablement and are therefore not designed for deployment in combat operations. Further, Luxembourg’s armed forces do not possess heavy artillery or other heavy explosive weaponry.” Luxembourg stated, “move its military largely outside of much of the scope of the Political Declaration.” Luxembourg stated that any further developments of its military equipment or doctrine will take into account “its adherence to the” Political Declaration. It shared that it does not have specific legislation dedicated solely to the use of explosive weapons in populated areas, but as a party to relevant international instruments, is “bound by the rules and principles governing the use of weapons in armed conflict.”19 

Upon a question of whether it has undertaken any other initiatives pertaining to strengthening the protection of civilians from the use of explosive weapons in populated areas that it would like to note, Luxembourg shared that it regularly references explosive weapons in populated areas in statements and advocates for its inclusion in joint statements across relevant fora, in line with paragraph 4.8/Section 4 of the Political Declaration. Thus, it stated it was “taking steps to raise awareness and promote the adoption and effective implementation of the Political Declaration by the greatest possible number of states.” In addition, Luxembourg shared that its armed forces provides and facilitates support to victims and communities affected by armed conflict, in line with paragraph 5 of Section 4 of the Political Declaration. Luxembourg’s Army’s de-mining service is actively engaged in awareness raising pertaining to the risks of explosive remnants of war within its domestic population and civilian personnel, as set out in the Declaration’s article 3.5. It also regularly contributes to projects coordinated by the EU, UN and OSCE to address the challenges posed by the explosive remnants of war, and financially supports civil society organisations taking on this work.20 

To view all of Luxembourg’s responses to the INEW and EWM state survey, and other states’ responses, see the Explosive Weapons Monitor 2023, Chapter III on Universalisation and Implementation of the Political Declaration.   

  1. ‘Draft Political Declaration on Strengthening the Protection of Civilians from the Humanitarian Consequences that Can Arise from the Use of Explosive Weapons with Wide Area Effects in Populated Areas’.Permanent Mission of Luxembourg to the United Nations. 29 January 2021. https://reachingcriticalwill.org/images/documents/Disarmament-fora/ewipa/declaration/documents/Luxembourg-March2021.pdf.

  2. Irish Department of Foreign Affairs. ‘Watch Back: Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas – Political Declaration Consultations, Day 3’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWCKiv5gpPI.

  3. Irish Department of Foreign Affairs. ‘Watch Back Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas – Dublin Conference – Morning Session.’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2VpYQzoKyo.

  4. ‘Explosive Weapons Raised as Key Issue in Security Council Debate on Protection of Civilians’. INEW. February 2013. https://www.inew.org/explosive-weapons-raised-as-key-issue-in-security-council-debate-on-protection-of-civilians/

  5. ‘Recognition of Harm from Explosive Weapons at the UN over Summer 2016’. INEW. 2016. https://www.inew.org/un-ewipa-refs-summer-2016/

  6. Acheson, R. 2022. ‘UN Security Council Debates War in Cities and the Protection of Civilians.’ Reaching Critical Will, 28 January 2022. https://www.reachingcriticalwill.org/news/latest-news/16009-un-security-council-debates-war-in-cities-and-the-protection-of-civilians.

  7. ‘EU Statement during the May 2011 Security Council Open Debate on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict’. Permanent Mission of the European Union to the United Nations. 10 May 2011.  http://www.peacewomen.org/sites/default/files/eu_poc_11may2011_0.pdf; ‘EU Statement during the June 2012 Security Council Open Debate on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict’. Permanent Mission of the European Union to the United Nations. 25 June 2012. http://www.peacewomen.org/security-council/security-council-open-debate-protection-civilians-armed-conflict-june-2012/; ‘EU Statement during the August 2013 UN Security Council Open Debate on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict’. Permanent Mission of the European Union to the United Nations. 19 August 2013. http://www.peacewomen.org/sites/default/files/european_union_poc_august_2013_debate_0.pdf.

  8. ‘EU Statement to the UN General Assembly 72nd Session First Committee Thematic Discussion on Conventional Weapons’. Permanent Mission of the European Union to the United Nations. 18 October 2017. https://reachingcriticalwill.org/images/documents/Disarmament-fora/1com/1com17/statements/18Oct_EU.pdf.

  9. Acheson, R. 2022. ‘UN Security Council Debates War in Cities and the Protection of Civilians.’ Reaching Critical Will, 28 January 2022. https://www.reachingcriticalwill.org/news/latest-news/16009-un-security-council-debates-war-in-cities-and-the-protection-of-civilians.

  10. Agenda for Humanity. ‘Luxembourg’. https://agendaforhumanity.org/stakeholders/commitments/123.html.

  11. Ibid.

  12. United Nations Security Council. S/PV.9042. 25 May 2022. Available from: https://undocs.org/en/S/PV.9042(Resumption1).

  13. ‘Seventy-one States call for Action on Impact of Explosive Weapons in Joint Statement to UN General Assembly’. International Network on Explosive Weapons. October 2019. Available from: https://www.inew.org/seventy-one-states-call-for-action-on-impact-of-explosive-weapons-in-joint-statement-to-un-general-assembly/.

  14. ‘UNGA74 First Committee Joint Statement on Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas’. Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations. 24 October 2019. Available from https://article36.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/UNGA74-joint-statement-on-explosive-weapons-in-populated-areas.pdf.

Other State Positions