Laos was not directly involved in the process to develop a Political Declaration on the use of explosive weapons in populated areas. It was, however, among the first group of states to endorse the Political Declaration in Dublin in November 2022.
Lao PDR attended the first international follow-up conference on the Political Declaration in Oslo, Norway in April 2024.
Statements and positions
At the first international follow-up conference on the Political Declaration in Oslo Lao PDR shared its experience as one of the most heavily bombed nations per capita in the world, where explosive remnants of war continue to pose a daily threat to people and socioeconomic development. It spoke about the work to rebuild the country, civilian casualties caused by explosive remnants of war many years after the end of the war as people “attempted to make a living through everyday activities, like working in a rice field or children playing.” Lao PDR also spoke about the importance of mine action and victim assistance to support community development. The country stated it was crucial for states to work together, mobilise political will, resources, capabilities, share knowledge on the issue of explosive weapons in populated areas and to provide mutual support on, and assistance to, affected people1.
During the UN General Assembly First Committee in 2023, Lao PDR acknowledged the pattern of harm caused by explosive weapons in populated areas2.